Scope storytellers in the news — Scope’s Blog

Our press team find opportunities to share our storytellers’ experiences more widely, so we can reach even more people. In case you missed them, we’ve rounded up the stories that were featured in the news throughout March. My Son’s Smile Belies a Troubled Heart – Huffington Post For Rare Disease Day, Carole Villiers shared the […]

via Scope storytellers in the news — Scope’s Blog

Settled and safe in Hart

Citizens Advice Hart

Locally, during the year 2014-15, housing was the fifth largest problem which people came to see Citizens Advice Hart about, responsible for almost 1 in 10 of the total of 8526 problems people came to see us about.

And the problem continues to grow across the UKAnd the problem continues to grow across the UK

In the last year more than 80,000 people came to us nationally suffering a problem with a privately rented home. That’s 230 people every day, hit by issues from illegal eviction to harassment to lost deposits and struggles to secure the most basic repairs.

No surprise then that Citizens Advice has been running a campaign throughout 2015 and into 2016 aimed at improving the private rented sector.


The private rental sector remains a market in which consumers are woefully under-protected. We want this to change. We don’t see why renters should expect anything less than the protections consumers take for granted elsewhere –…

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The Upsetting Truth…Part Two!

kathleen kerridge

Everything I do seems to have a sequel.  It’s funny how life can be like that.  I really felt that some points needed to be addressed, however.  There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the Unseen Poor.  Let’s kick back with a cuppa and have a chat about a few of them, shall we?  Make yourself comfortable and come sit with me.  Keep your coat on, it’s not cold enough for heating, but you’re probably going to feel the chill in my house if you’re not used to it.  My family and I are used to it.  Our old house never had heating for three years, thanks to an indifferent and incompetent landlord.  While being evicted when he sold the house was distressing and has left me terrified it will happen again, this house is better.  Even with penetrating damp, crumbling walls and mould.  We had white fluffy mould and…

View original post 2,682 more words

Universal Credit is failing

Citizens Advice today warns that Universal Credit is failing to live up to its promise.
Last year Citizens Advice helped people with over 150 enquiries every week about Universal Credit, most commonly about who is eligible for the benefit and how to claim.
Chief Executive of Citizens Advice Gillian Guy said:
“Universal Credit is failing to live up to its promise.
“Right from the outset people have experienced problems with Universal Credit, with many turning to Citizens Advice as they experience difficulties applying for the new benefit, delays to claims and errors in their payments.
“The principles underpinning Universal Credit, of simplifying the welfare system and making every hour of work pay, are sound and should be protected. The Government must be watchful that any changes to the benefit do not undermine work incentives and reduce the support people need to stay in work.
“The roll-out of Universal Credit won’t be a success unless people are properly prepared, and those who need help with their claim can access the support they need.”

You can read the report from 16 local Citizens Advice here Waiting for Credit PDF final